Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So I know that I have my goals and that I haven't been posting at all about my running. Well I'll use the life has been hectic excuse but I'm getting back into it slowly have had a few set backs.

I did my walk/run/walk/jog yesterday (I don't want to say just running because I found early in January that after being away from it for some time I am definitely not where I was and need to build back up. that being said last week I did do every other night for the whole week *yippy*

I have decided that I am going to go with the Couch to 5 Km Program which helps train the body to be able to run 5 km over the span of 9 weeks.

The program has you run every other day with a rest day in between. However, I have decided that I want to return to a schedule similar to what I had a couple of years ago when I made real progress. I went to aqua size four or five times in a week (for a one hour session however I sometimes managed to go through two sessions at once).

I love being in the water and feel so at home there. However, given my current situation (where I live and the kidlet) I know that making those trips will be extremely difficult. As such, I am thinking that I am going to do the following:

Sunday: Aquasize at the pool
Monday: Run (c25km)
Tuesday: 30 min walk/30 min strength
Wednesday: Run (c25km)
Thursday: 1 hour walk/30 min strength
Friday: Run (c25km)
Saturday: Rest

Or at least that is going to be my goal!